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As one of Europe’s leading consultants on packaging and sustainability, Julian Carroll was the initiator of The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN) which, under his 19 years of leadership as Managing Director, grew to become Europe’s recognized voice of industry on issues of packaging and the environment. A frequent speaker at conferences and symposiums throughout the world on packaging and environmental issues, he has also spoken and written extensively on the role of packaging in prevention of food waste. In 2009, Carroll led the development of Guidelines for Corporate Decision Makers on Packaging in the Sustainability Agenda which became the basis of the Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability (GPPS) of The Consumer Goods Forum for which Carroll was a member of the steering committee. He advised on the establishment of the American Institute for Packaging and the Environment (AMERIPEN) and is a member of their Technical Advisory Group. Carroll was also a member of the steering committee of the EU Food and Drink Sustainable Production and Consumption Round Table, and he was a major contributor to the Packaging Optimization publication of the EU Retail Forum.